As this is my first blog post, I’d like to tell you all a little bit about my journey up to this point. Additionally, I’ll discuss my goals going forward into the new year.
Over two years ago, I decided to sit down and write a story. I don’t think I realized at the time how scary of an idea that was, to just take the time out of a busy life and put words to paper. And then, even scarier, was the thought that other people might want to read it, that I might actually have a shot at publishing this thing.
The year I started writing my first book (2014) was a very interesting and stressful year. In 2014, I got my master’s degree, got married, moved far away from my family and to a large city where I knew no one, and went from being a full-time student to a full-time librarian. That’s a lot of changes for someone who does not like to make a lot of changes. I was struggling with it. I was overwhelmed and lonely, and I was definitely lacking that creative outlet that had been my cornerstone for most of my adult life. I’ve always been a writer. I’ve always loved to write stories, but for many years, my creativity had been filtered into academic and scholarly writing. And suddenly, I didn’t have either.
So I decided to make a change.
The idea for my first book, really more just an idea for a back-story even, had been floating around in my head since my undergraduate days, but I’d either been too busy or too lazy to really delve into it. So I decided to take that scary jump. I finished a draft of my book in about four months, thought it was pretty good, and decided to send it to my favorite publisher—Riptide Publishing.
Which brings me to 2016 and 2017. Last year was a bit of a whirlwind. My husband and I decided to move from Houston, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska because of a job opportunity for him. I now live even farther away from my family in Oklahoma but am excited to live somewhere that is so different and interesting. And cold. Also, after two years of back-and-forths, and two or three revise and rewrites, Riptide Publishing accepted my manuscript and my first book will come out in 2017!
If nothing else, this experience has taught me that perseverance pays off. I believed in my story. I knew it was worthwhile, but I also knew that it needed improvement. I’ll forever be thankful to the people at Riptide for believing in me, sticking with me through two years of revise and rewrites, and giving me this shot. Which brings me to my goals for 2017.
- To get at least one more book contracted to come out in 2017
- To make some author friends
- This sounds a little thirsty, I know. But being an author can be kind of isolating. It’s mostly a solitary endeavor. And meeting and connecting with authors, especially ones who have experience in the industry, would be invaluable to me personally and professionally.
- To grow my online network
- I think social media and having an online presence is essential to growing a fan base, as well as a professional network. Also, I’m a millennial. I like social media.
- Nap less
- To read more diverse works, particularly #ownvoices
- Drink less Dr. Pepper
- This is a total pipe dream.
- To actively oppose and resist legislation and policy that hurts or strips rights from minorities or marginalized people
- Like many people, the election was devastating to me. I have only had one president in my adult life. When I was eighteen, I cast my first vote ever for President Obama. To imagine an exchange of power to leaders with homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, racist, and intolerant viewpoints is not something that I can easily wrap my mind around. In 2017, I’m rejecting simple Facebook activism and calling my freaking representatives.
And that about does it. Thanks for bearing with me through this long, rambling blog post. So far, I can tell you I’ve failed miserably at the napping less. It’s dark in Alaska. Perfect napping conditions.
Until next time!
PLEASE tell me Travis is getting his own book!
I’m working on it! 😉 I’m glad you like him. He’s kinda my favorite!