Clean Break (Farm College #2)
Clean Break (Farm College #2) comes out in March, and ARCs will be going out soon, so I want to give a heads-up on some potential content warnings!
I’m a huge proponent of trigger and content warnings. I want every reader to be able to approach my work with the information they need to make it a safe and enjoyable experience. Clean Break is a college m/m romance with a bit of angst (though not nearly as much as its predecessor) and lots of spice. There are a few content warnings I’d like you to be aware of.
- Explicit sex
- There is some mild kink in this book, including spanking and very mild, consensual breath play.
- Explicit language
- Instances and/or discussion of racism, homophobia, and transphobia
- Depiction of anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- One of the main characters has anxiety and OCD, and there are episodes of both on page. In particular, his OCD manifests as intrusive thoughts and compulsions surrounding food preparation and consumption, which leads to him being unable to eat at certain times in the story.
- Consumption of alcohol
- Deceased parent
- One of the characters lost a parent when he was very young. It is discussed throughout the story.
- Insects
- I’ve had lots of reader questions about this aspect of the book, which is understandable. I’ve detailed all the most explicit descriptions and on-page mentions of insects below:
- The main characters meet in an entomology class. One of their assignments is to observe Madagascar hissing cockroaches, which they have to take home with them. The cockroaches are kept in small, clear enclosures. The cockroaches never, ever escape. They make no surprise appearances. One of the main characters does hold his in his hand at one point. This actually happens off-page, and you only see his reaction afterward. There is a scene where the other character shows the cockroach to his parents on FaceTime, and his internal monologue vaguely describes what it looks like. This character also notes that his cockroach has started hissing, which he is obviously not a fan of. They name their cockroaches, and this is their most important function. The names they choose are kind of symbolic. Besides the cockroaches, there is almost no discussion of insects, even in their entomology class. There is one assignment about insects/arachnids/etc. in literature and folklore where Charlotte’s Web and The Very Hungry Caterpillar are discussed.
As always, if you need more information about these warning, feel free to contact me via this form or email me at erinmclellanwrites (at) gmail (dot) com.
If you’ve read Clean Break and see content that needs a warning not included above, please let me know!